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 Weber unemployed again

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cMan2KellyCup Posted - 10/17/2014 : 11:22:49 AM
I just found out that his job in Croatia didnt last very long... he disappeared from his post at Croatia Medveš#269;ak Zagreb (whew what a name)

This happened a few weeks ago, and since no one really cares about hockey in Commie Land, it went unnoticed, but here is the story:
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Susan Posted - 12/19/2014 : 08:21:32 AM
Thanks Reggie.
Reggie Dunlop Posted - 12/18/2014 : 6:53:40 PM
This recent article in The Hockey News may lend a little insight as to why Weber bolted the KHL.
bags Posted - 12/11/2014 : 10:49:19 PM
Thanks for the news and the link to the story.
Donnie Hockey Posted - 12/11/2014 : 8:34:23 PM
He's employed again. For now.
Reggie Dunlop Posted - 10/26/2014 : 9:31:16 PM
After such a great ascent, his career trajectory is now in a precipitous decline.

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