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 Dallas Eakins

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
somebeach Posted - 12/16/2014 : 12:48:04 PM
The #Oilers have relieved Dallas Eakins of his head coaching duties. GM Craig MacTavish will address the media at 11:45am MT.

This was right off the Edmonton Oilers twitter page.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
somebeach Posted - 12/18/2014 : 1:41:01 PM
Tried to find this on their website, honestly I didn't know they had a website. Seems they have trouble putting 3 w's in a row.
Donnie Hockey Posted - 12/17/2014 : 11:53:53 AM
The Oilers' ownership needs to break up the old boys club in the front office. They have the right person in place to turn the franchise over to that would bring an outside perspective in Bob Nicholson, who serves as the club's vice-chairman but has no say with Kevin Lowe running the show. He was previously the president and chief executive officer of Hockey Canada.

Eakins will need to go back to the AHL or major junior before he'll get another opportunity to be a head coach in the NHL. While NHL people know he was in a bad situation in Edmonton, he'd be a tough sell to a fan base because of his record if hired as a team's new head coach.
elvis77 Posted - 12/16/2014 : 2:18:16 PM
The Oilers are a **** show plain and simple. If I were an aspiring head coach I'm not sure I'd even consider it. It seems like it's a path to failure.

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