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 NEW Section 60 Android App!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jevers Posted - 08/26/2010 : 04:56:31 AM

Introducing the NEW "The CycWard - Section 60"
Android App!!

This is the perfect App for all you Cyclones Fans! Keep the Cyclones game schedule at your finger tips. The App also includes two Widgets that you can add to your Phone. 1) "Next Cyclones Game" - Widget that displays (and countdowns to) the next upcoming Cyclones game. 2) "Last Cyclones Game" - Widget that shows the results of the last Cyclones game.

So if you have an Android phone/device, go to the Android Market and search for cycward.


15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jevers Posted - 08/10/2011 : 08:50:07 AM
Originally posted by ChazyG

Got it...

a suggestion... if you are looking for any would be to update your "Pick" for first/last from the app? or Remind you to update your pick?

just a suggestion..

Yep... The update your Pick for First/Last IS on my list of additions I want to make... Just a matter of finding the time to do it!
ChazyG Posted - 08/09/2011 : 3:00:40 PM
Got it...

a suggestion... if you are looking for any would be to update your "Pick" for first/last from the app? or Remind you to update your pick?

just a suggestion..

jevers Posted - 08/08/2011 : 9:58:38 PM
I've made a minor update (well, I guess this might be"major" for some) to The Cycward - Section 60 Android App... If you have an Android Tablet, the app should now display over the full screen.

At some point (when I find some time) there are some planned additions for the app. But for now I wanted to get the Tablet fix out there.

You can find the app in the Android Market by searching for "cycward"!

drimo Posted - 10/15/2010 : 09:16:26 AM
Here is a link to the thread for the WebOS app so we don't continue to hijack this thread.
Apocalypse Sticks Posted - 10/10/2010 : 11:48:11 AM
Originally posted by drimo

Originally posted by Apocalypse Sticks

Any updates on the potential WebOS version?

I am starting on it this weekend! Apocalypse, would you like to be a beta tester?

Absolutely! Just keep me updated. Thanks!
drimo Posted - 10/08/2010 : 2:22:16 PM
Originally posted by Apocalypse Sticks

Any updates on the potential WebOS version?

I am starting on it this weekend! Apocalypse, would you like to be a beta tester?
jevers Posted - 10/07/2010 : 5:35:26 PM
Originally posted by Apocalypse Sticks

Any updates on the potential WebOS version?

Totally forgot about that... I'll get back in contact with the person that offered to create a WebOS version.
Apocalypse Sticks Posted - 10/07/2010 : 4:10:47 PM
Any updates on the potential WebOS version?
Gordon Bombay Posted - 09/23/2010 : 3:08:37 PM
Jevers, this is awesome. Great work!
terri0522 Posted - 09/16/2010 : 3:56:01 PM
I am downloading mine now! Too Cool!!!!
1-ClonesFan Posted - 08/28/2010 : 12:47:52 PM
Just downloaded mine! So cool! Thanks!
jevers Posted - 08/27/2010 : 12:21:28 AM
Originally posted by JK_112880

Have you thought about adding in the ability for us to participate in the First/Last Goal of the game contest using the Android App?

Yeah... I was thinking of adding that functionality. Might be an addition later on. Wanted to get something workable and out to the public... so I started with the Game Schedule as "phase 1".

If anyone has any other ideas of what they'd like to see added to the App, please let me know and I'll consider it.
Cyclonesdiehard Posted - 08/26/2010 : 8:56:17 PM
Downloaded it today! Looks great!
JK_112880 Posted - 08/26/2010 : 7:41:55 PM
Have you thought about adding in the ability for us to participate in the First/Last Goal of the game contest using the Android App?
jevers Posted - 08/26/2010 : 11:27:33 AM
Originally posted by eagleoneoh

any chance on a blackberry app

Probably not anytime soon. (sorry)

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