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T O P I C    R E V I E W
dbc Posted - 05/03/2014 : 5:00:37 PM
1307 Friday night now averaging 1700 in playoffs. Embarrassing

Link to Komets page on Ft Wayne gazette web page. Several interesting articles including interviews with our players and coach as well as three minute video of Friday nights game.
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
dbc Posted - 05/20/2014 : 4:15:00 PM
Conference championship Series Game I 1537 in attendance. Really embarrassing. Now averaging 1705 for the 7 playoff games. Alaska had about 4200 at each of their first two Championship games. Good thing the Reds were out of town or we might not have reached 1000.
bags Posted - 05/05/2014 : 10:45:21 PM
I know it shouldn't matter but I dread coming to a home game when the
Red's are also playing. Between the Red's fans taking over the east
garage and the police directing traffic, your usually in a foul mood
by the time you finally get in the arena. Once it took me 40 minutes
extra just to get to the Sawyer point lot and got in the game halfway
through the first period. With no Red's game tonight, why didn't they
play Friday's game today ? Management knew of the Red's and Flying Pig
marathon, but decided to ignore it. To all those that went, a big thank
you for the support. I just chose to avoid the mess.
dbc Posted - 05/05/2014 : 11:17:08 AM
Scuba--sorry you missed my point which is what Fort Wayne draws and why is irrelevant to what we draw. Two different cities and two different environments. Lets look at the numbers and how they have changed inn the playoffs and why I am embarrassed by them

There are four cities who have played home games thus far in the first two rounds.Lets compare them to make things as even as possible. Wheeling is averaging 91 fans per game less than in the regular season or a 4% drop. . Bakersfield is averaging 579 fans less than the regular season or a 12% drop. Alaska is averaging 686 less fans for a 15% drop. In total these three cities have had a combined drop of 1356 fans per game over their regular season average or a 11.5% decrease. Cincinnati by itself has had a drop per game in attendance from the regular season of nearly twice the combined drop of the other three dropping 2470 fans per game (4229 vs 1759) or 58%!!!!. We drew nearly twice what Wheeling drew in the regular season and now they draw better than we do. We drew at similar levels during the year as Bakerfield and Alaska and their playoff attendance is way more than twice our playoff attendance. We are biggest of these three cities

That is what is embarrassing and I am embarrassed not for me but for the players who get excited about the playoffs and they come out to play in front of an empty house.
somebeach Posted - 05/04/2014 : 11:53:27 AM
Originally posted by elvis77

Look at the the fact that the team has little time for promotion and that THERE ARE OTHER THINGS TO DO IN THE SPRING/SUMMER in this city.

In Fort Wayne on the other hand an exciting Saturday night out is heading out to the municipal airport to watch the planes take off and land. During the week the hot ticket is heading over to Lagrange of the Amish auction. That could be on a Thursday though, it's been awhile since I've updated my calendar.

Don't forget the ever popular cow tipping. It's a 32-belly option on 2.
SCUBA Posted - 05/04/2014 : 11:20:22 AM
dbc, dead wrong.....Fort Wayne has ALWAYS been pro Komets from day 1. they have a dedicated ownership and the city loves the Komets. Fort Wayne simply stinks and if it wasn't for family that lives there I would foprget about it's existance. You answered your own question, we are not a hockey town. Embarassed? really?...who freaking cares. I watched one of the best gamnes i've watched all year but I was hardly embarassed, frustrated perhaps but never embarassed.
dbc Posted - 05/04/2014 : 11:10:54 AM
Whether Ft Wayne has other things to do is irrelevant. I can also argue that our population base is much larger. These are all opinions however.

The facts are these: We drew 1700 last night. Yes the Reds were playing and the mini races were on. But those fans came down and fought the traffic and parking!! So if they came out why not our fans?

Wheeling--yes Wheeling--drew 2500 last night. Greenville which has lots of problems drawing--has drawn an average of 2400 fans for three games. Bakersfield drew 4700 last night.

This has never been a strong hockey town and these playoff numbers show it. I am a hockey fan and so are you but there is a corp of maybe 2000 of us and the rest that show up are college kids for low priced beer, families with small kids for relatively cheap entertainment, and corporate outings.
elvis77 Posted - 05/04/2014 : 12:54:14 AM
Look at the the fact that the team has little time for promotion and that THERE ARE OTHER THINGS TO DO IN THE SPRING/SUMMER in this city.

In Fort Wayne on the other hand an exciting Saturday night out is heading out to the municipal airport to watch the planes take off and land. During the week the hot ticket is heading over to Lagrange of the Amish auction. That could be on a Thursday though, it's been awhile since I've updated my calendar.

bags Posted - 05/03/2014 : 5:06:18 PM
Look at tonight. Won't be able to park in the East garage due to
flying pig and Red's fans. End up parking 1/2 mile away and walking
from Sawyer point or downtown. Too bad the Red's game wasn't this afternoon.

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