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 Greenville's first goal tonight

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cycfan Posted - 05/20/2014 : 11:44:23 PM
Not that it matters given that the Cyclones gave up three shorty's in the third period, but did anyone have a good view of that first goal? Was it in?

Anyone have any thoughts on how they ruled it a goal when neither ref signaled goal, the ref behind the net actually washed it out, and the goal judge never turned on the light?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
somebeach Posted - 05/21/2014 : 3:44:32 PM
From where we sat last night (right along the goal line) it sounded like it went off Madore's mask. I have heard from working in hockey what sounds a puck makes from hitting the post, crossbar, and from the back of the net and that sounded like it hit his mask. Didn't see it go in.
jevers Posted - 05/21/2014 : 08:35:57 AM
To me, it looked like it went off the post. Granted, I did not hear any "clang" sound though. It was fast, so I'm not 100% sure.

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