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 Ticket Prices for 2014-2015

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Apocalypse Sticks Posted - 07/29/2014 : 2:19:19 PM
Have the Cyclones announced ticket prices for the regular season?

I noticed season tickets were higher this year $392 vs $360) and some quick dummy math puts prices at around $15 per game when you add in the 'savings from the box office.'

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Donnie Hockey Posted - 07/29/2014 : 11:09:58 PM
The 12-game plan might be a fit with my schedule.
elvis77 Posted - 07/29/2014 : 10:29:47 PM
Yep, the 1st 2 playoff games are included. Playoff tix go up 3 bucks over the regular season. So, 2 x 16 = 32. 32 + 360 = 392.

I'm not a big fan of the concept, but it is what it is.
dtwells Posted - 07/29/2014 : 8:16:30 PM
They force you to buy tickets to the opening round of the playoffs now which is what caused the price update. Im guessing the face value is still the same.

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