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 Ben Simon

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Susan Posted - 08/05/2014 : 9:18:06 PM
I was kind of shocked when I saw the announcement about Ben moving up to the AHL but it's a good thing. Now my question is will Macker be given the head coach position? Is he ready to take this on?

What are your thoughts?
5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cycfan Posted - 08/06/2014 : 9:37:42 PM
Originally posted by Donnie Hockey

Originally posted by Reggie Dunlop

Originally posted by Donnie Hockey

Great opportunity for Simon. It's the Toronto Maple Leafs he's working for. He probably doesn't leave to be an assistant coach for the Winnipeg Jets AHL team.

I think it's a bit peculiar that he'd leave after one year of head coaching experience with an affiliated team. He's going to an organization that's far behind the one he was with prior to coming to Cincinnati. Chicago's organization is in a much better position for the foreseeable future. Seems like he's kind of back where he started, but with a less successful organization.

Less successful for now. They've got pieces in place to be one of the better teams sooner than later.

I think you might want to share that bit of info with the folks in Toronto. The fans of the Leafs pretty much make fun of themselves for still being fans.
Donnie Hockey Posted - 08/06/2014 : 2:22:34 PM
Originally posted by Reggie Dunlop

Originally posted by Donnie Hockey

Great opportunity for Simon. It's the Toronto Maple Leafs he's working for. He probably doesn't leave to be an assistant coach for the Winnipeg Jets AHL team.

I think it's a bit peculiar that he'd leave after one year of head coaching experience with an affiliated team. He's going to an organization that's far behind the one he was with prior to coming to Cincinnati. Chicago's organization is in a much better position for the foreseeable future. Seems like he's kind of back where he started, but with a less successful organization.

Less successful for now. They've got pieces in place to be one of the better teams sooner than later.
Reggie Dunlop Posted - 08/06/2014 : 1:33:01 PM
Originally posted by Donnie Hockey

Great opportunity for Simon. It's the Toronto Maple Leafs he's working for. He probably doesn't leave to be an assistant coach for the Winnipeg Jets AHL team.

I think it's a bit peculiar that he'd leave after one year of head coaching experience with an affiliated team. He's going to an organization that's far behind the one he was with prior to coming to Cincinnati. Chicago's organization is in a much better position for the foreseeable future. Seems like he's kind of back where he started, but with a less successful organization.
Donnie Hockey Posted - 08/06/2014 : 1:11:00 PM
Great opportunity for Simon. It's the Toronto Maple Leafs he's working for. He probably doesn't leave to be an assistant coach for the Winnipeg Jets AHL team.
cycfan Posted - 08/05/2014 : 11:09:25 PM
I'm shocked. Hoping they've known about this for a while and have been talking to some candidates. I'd hate for them to hire a temporary last minute fix, and throw a season away.

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