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 Cincinnati Swords

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
swatkins Posted - 10/22/2014 : 2:45:25 PM
I just wrote a story for the Business Courier about the Cincinnati Swords, a junior hockey team that plays at Sports Plus. I thought I'd spread the news about more hockey in Cincinnati.

Here's the link:
OR try this link:

And I'll be writing a Cyclones story previewing the season in a couple days. I'll post that when it's written.

Steve Watkins
Cincinnati Business Courier
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
swatkins Posted - 11/03/2014 : 4:18:18 PM
That's a really good point. You're right. Since I don't work there, it's hard for me to know why they don't cover the Cyclones more often. I would think any event that draws 4,000-plus fans 36 times a year is clearly popular with a lot of people. I don't understand the lack of coverage, either.

Thanks for the comment. I'm about to post a link to a Cyclones story I wrote today.


Originally posted by dbc

Thanks for article Steve.I know you write for the Business Courier but perhaps you can enlighten us a bit as to the total lack of coverage of the Cyclones by the sports section of the Enquirer. I realize the team does not have the fan base that the Reds or Bengals do but it is at least as big a base as girls or boys soccer at some suburban high school which gets coverage for each of their games.

It is a franchise that has been the most or at least second most successful on the ice in the ECHL for the last 7-8 years, in a league that has just expanded to 28 teams nationally, brings people and $$ downtown at least 36 times a year etc etc, and they can't buy even the smallest of coverage by the cities only newspaper. Opening game last Saturday and there is a small two paragraph mention of the game three days later on Tuesday by the paper.

Being in the newspaper business I hope you can provide us an understanding of why this happens year in and year out. Almost like they are boycotting the team

somebeach Posted - 10/23/2014 : 3:42:08 PM
Nice article. I work for the Swords as public address announcer, a position I have held for the past 5 seasons (as well as public address announcer for the U.C. Bearcats hockey team). Hopefully that article can help generate higher attendance.
dbc Posted - 10/23/2014 : 02:46:19 AM
Thanks for article Steve.I know you write for the Business Courier but perhaps you can enlighten us a bit as to the total lack of coverage of the Cyclones by the sports section of the Enquirer. I realize the team does not have the fan base that the Reds or Bengals do but it is at least as big a base as girls or boys soccer at some suburban high school which gets coverage for each of their games.

It is a franchise that has been the most or at least second most successful on the ice in the ECHL for the last 7-8 years, in a league that has just expanded to 28 teams nationally, brings people and $$ downtown at least 36 times a year etc etc, and they can't buy even the smallest of coverage by the cities only newspaper. Opening game last Saturday and there is a small two paragraph mention of the game three days later on Tuesday by the paper.

Being in the newspaper business I hope you can provide us an understanding of why this happens year in and year out. Almost like they are boycotting the team
Donnie Hockey Posted - 10/22/2014 : 7:43:04 PM
Great story, Steve. Thanks for sharing.

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