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 And just when things get rolling

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elvis77 Posted - 01/03/2015 : 1:18:58 PM
After taking to points in 3 straight games the wheels fell off the bus a bit last night. Looking at the box score I see that Tony Turgeon drew into the line up and Cehlin found himself watching the game from the stand. If this is a case of Cehlin being injured than so be it, the Boys will have to adapt and find away to make up the lost offense. If it was a matter of FLA/SAN wanting Turgeon to get some minutes (he was assigned for "conditioning"), then thanks for nothing. Turgeon is about as effective as a traffic barrel, and offering him a roster spot over Cehlin is a waste.

On the plus side, there will be room for Cehlin to draw back into the lineup tonight. Unfortunately, the open roster spot is a result of Budish being called to Milwaukee. If Cehlin can't go, tonight could be a rough one unless someone else steps up.
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cyclonehole Posted - 01/04/2015 : 10:56:12 AM
Playing the hot hand with the goaltending tandem has been successful for the Cyclones of late.

Brittain, who had looked very unimpressive to me early on, went on a hot streak and won himself a Goaltender of the Week award, and when he finally had a bad game with 5 GA, back to Madore last night who turned in a nice effort.

Brittain is an interesting case ... he is a legitimate prospect for the Panthers, they do not have much goaltending depth behind (35 year old) Robert Luongo. Houser is no longer looking like an option, and he is splitting time in SA with NHL veteran Dan Ellis. He is someone to keep an eye one.
elvis77 Posted - 01/04/2015 : 01:14:57 AM
If you had Chris Reed as the player that would step up offensively, I'm calling BS...

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