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 paint the ice night

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tamg4393 Posted - 01/11/2015 : 3:49:43 PM
The Kwings just played a game against us on painted ice. Nick indicated that it was rather difficult to see the puck. I was just wondering, since I know some of you have played hockey, ( I admit freely I have never played hockey). What is your opinion on painted ice? Yea, nea? USBank arena will be having a painted ice night very soon. Opinions?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tamg4393 Posted - 01/13/2015 : 4:22:31 PM
Thanks for the reply Elvis. I was thinking that, but wanted someone's experience and opinion on the matter. I was just informed, Kids Club Members will have access to the ice post game to paint. Maybe Guido will cut the ice prior to the next game.
elvis77 Posted - 01/11/2015 : 10:59:36 PM
Advertising is one thing, even if there's a lot of it there's a regularity to it and the ice is still mostly white. The ice in kzoo was a nightmare. It's the irregular pattern that gets you. I would have hated to have been a goalie attempting to track the puck. There's a picture on the Cyclones facebook page. Personally, I can't stand this promo and wish a plague up the team that created it.
wheres dale degray Posted - 01/11/2015 : 5:24:31 PM
I do play and I don't think it will have much effect on the game from the players standpoint. I haven't been to Wheeling this year but I know in past years the amount of advertising on the ice was insane but it didn't seem to bother the players. From the fans side of things, I think it's going to be a little more difficult to follow.

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