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 Question for any season ticket holders

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killthemusic4 Posted - 01/17/2015 : 10:03:19 PM
Hello im new to the board and this is my first time getting season tickets im wondering if anyone know of any close parking garages where you can get a pass instead of paying 10 dollars every game?
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
killthemusic4 Posted - 01/19/2015 : 8:04:33 PM
Thanks for the info
tamg4393 Posted - 01/18/2015 : 2:07:13 PM
There is $5.oo parking across the street from the old whisky bar and next to one lytle place apartments. Further out you go the cheaper the rate.
killthemusic4 Posted - 01/18/2015 : 11:08:47 AM
Thanks for the info. yea we are mostly down there for just the games so im trying to find something so we don't have to pay 360 a year for parking.
elvis77 Posted - 01/18/2015 : 11:06:09 AM
I don't know of anything specifically for games. The garage under the Banks operates on normal rates for Cyclones games so the max you'll pay there is $9. They also have monthly rates of 100 to 125 which is overkill if you just need it for games, but if you're downtown a lot could be worth it.

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