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 What ails this team?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Reggie Dunlop Posted - 01/28/2017 : 6:28:37 PM
The Cyclone seem incapable of finding consistency again this season. We have an abundance of good goaltending, but that doesn't seem to garner the squad enough wins. Again, it's not a very physical team and that seems to haunt them by playing passively in their own zone. And the PP is pretty weak, per usual. The PK is also just average. I've heard some rumblings about it being coaching, but I'm not totally convinced that's the case completely. With that said, however, it does seem like the Cyclone don't make many in-game adjustments and appear to play the same style of game night in and night out, despite the result. Anyone else have any observations?

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