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 New Assistant coach

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
elvis77 Posted - 07/09/2017 : 1:01:43 PM
Anyone have any thoughts on the new assistant coach?

Looking at his resume, I think it's a good addition. He's a guy with plenty of experience behind the bench rather than another "just retired player who wants to get his feet wet in coaching."

Now it's up to he and Mac to put together a core group of 12 to 15 guys capable of playing .600 hockey regardless of what trickles down to us from the new affiliate.
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
bags Posted - 07/12/2017 : 11:03:19 PM

First things first-Marc Lefebvre is the new assistant coach.
My thought is don't like it. Matt Macdonald I feel is still learning
as a head coach and a more experienced US/Canada style coach would
have been a better match. With Buffalo our new NHL boss, wonder if he
was suggested by them. If so, would feel better about this choice.

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