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 GAME: First/Last Cyclones Goal Of The Game

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jevers Posted - 10/10/2017 : 5:17:24 PM
The season is about to start, so that means it's time to play FIRST/LAST GOAL OF THE GAME!!

In FIRST/LAST GOAL OF THE GAME (EACH GAME) you pick which Cyclones Player you think will score the FIRST and/or LAST Goal of the Game. You have up until game time to select the Cyclones Player. You can change your pick as many times as you wish, UNTIL game time. Afterwhich, your pick is locked in.

Each Cyclones Player will have a certain value (NEW Cyclones Players to the list come into the game starting at a value of 1/2 the value of the current Highest Valued Player. If that value is lower than 100, then the NEW player will start at a value of 100). This value will change as other people pick the Cyclones Players. The new value is determined by taking their current value divided by the number of people that have picked this Cyclones Player. (new value = current value / num picks) For example: Josh Shalla starts at a value of 100. If TWO people pick Josh, then his NEW value will become 50. If FOUR people pick Josh, then his NEW value will become 25.

At some point after the game is over, the Game will be updated with the FIRST/LAST Cyclones Goal scorer. The people that picked the FIRST Goal will win the point value of that Player. The people that picked the LAST Goal will win DOUBLE the point value of that Player! (Yes, if your pick scores BOTH the FIRST AND LAST Goal, you will win the combined total of both!)

Finally, each of the Cyclones Players values will then be adjusted for the next game. The amount of the adjustment is based upon how many people picked that player.

NOTE: Shootouts do NOT count for FIRST/LAST Goal!

The person with the most points at the end of the season (including Playoffs), wins the game!

Remember, you will need to select a NEW Cyclones Player BEFORE EACH GAME!

Good luck everyone, go make your pick now:

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
elvis77 Posted - 04/26/2018 : 9:47:14 PM
First 3 time winner. Maybe I'll take next year off.
jevers Posted - 04/23/2018 : 08:45:52 AM
Congrats to elvis77 (20769 points) for winning the FIRST/LAST GOAL OF THE GAME!

Thanks to all that played this season. Have a great summer.

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