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 Matt MacDonald

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Reggie Dunlop Posted - 04/16/2018 : 3:45:33 PM
If the Cyclone lose this first round series to Fort Wayne, will MacDonald be back next season? As of now, he's not won a playoff series as head coach. Opinions?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Reggie Dunlop Posted - 05/05/2018 : 12:33:27 PM
Originally posted by cycfan

I don't think he should be. He's been Head Coach for what, four seasons and hasn't won a playoff series? But honestly, since Chuck left, I don't think they've won a playoff series. The franchise seems pretty complacent to me.

Actually, they've had some pretty good success since Chuck. Skalde got them to the Conference Final and Simon got them to the Kelly Cup Final.

Since then, though, it's been quite a dry spell. I understand that it's a developmental league, but it's still nice to see a few playoff victories. As a fan, It stinks to know that your season will be over by mid April.
cycfan Posted - 04/22/2018 : 6:45:30 PM
Their only win was an OT affair that was basically a shootout. Take that win away and they got swept. This is not a competitive team.
cycfan Posted - 04/22/2018 : 6:44:13 PM
I don't think he should be. He's been Head Coach for what, four seasons and hasn't won a playoff series? But honestly, since Chuck left, I don't think they've won a playoff series. The franchise seems pretty complacent to me.

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