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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jevers Posted - 11/22/2010 : 09:26:21 AM
It appears that the "Online Fued" (hrc666, Randy and a couple others -vs- Donnie Hockey) is ratcheting up over the last couple weeks. I've stated NUMEROUS times that I am not banning Donnie Hockey. Reason being simply because he has NOT DONE ANYTHING WRONG! I'm not banning someone because someone doesn't agree with their OPINION. (Posting something "negative", etc...) [Gee... what about all those posts earlier this season that a lot of people were posting about the state of the Cyclones?? Should I ban everyone that posted "negative" things about the Cyclones or Coaches?]

The "name calling" needs to be STOPPED! I will be watching a little more closely and will start instituting BANS if I continue to see "name calling".

I want this message board to be a place that EVERYONE can post their OPINIONS about Hockey (good OR BAD). If you don't agree with what someone says, FINE.. just PLEASE respect other peoples opinions. If you CAN'T... DO NOT POST!!!! MOVE ON!!!

Thank You.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Randy Posted - 11/22/2010 : 4:31:32 PM
Originally posted by jevers

My goal is not to stop people from getting mad at Donnie, it's to stop the "name calling" and all the back-and-forth banter which has nothing to do with the topic of conversation.

I see.. welp good luck with that. I'm not going to bother replying directly to him anymore but I can't speak about anyone else of course.
jevers Posted - 11/22/2010 : 2:39:40 PM
My goal is not to stop people from getting mad at Donnie, it's to stop the "name calling" and all the back-and-forth banter which has nothing to do with the topic of conversation.
taoistlumberjak Posted - 11/22/2010 : 2:15:32 PM
edit - Hey, I've got a better idea!
Randy Posted - 11/22/2010 : 1:36:43 PM
Jim, there is clearly a difference between an opinion and what Donnie posts. I could care less about it anymore, I ignore him now.

However, when several people complain about the same person... you really should open your eyes and determine it is actually Donnie with the issue, not the others.

Even you making this topic, isn't going to stop others from getting mad at Donnie. That is all I really have to say about it.

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