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 2014-15 schedule out already???

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cMan2KellyCup Posted - 06/04/2014 : 3:15:45 PM
The ECHL released next year's schedule already.... and the Cyclones havent finished the damn finals yet!!! They seriously need to wait until the end of the playoffs to release anything... its really annoying. Its just like what happened in 2008 when I walked out of Game 6 with a new schedule after we JUST won the cup... its bad karma for the ECHL
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bags Posted - 06/06/2014 : 10:26:54 PM
Also Michael Pelech !
cMan2KellyCup Posted - 06/06/2014 : 8:35:07 PM
Aubin!!! One of our 2010 heroes! Good eye...
bags Posted - 06/06/2014 : 4:20:50 PM
Look who's on Utah's Protected list:

Aaron Dell, Mike Folkes, Brendan Jamison, Drew Daniels, Martin Lee, Channing Boe, Derick Martin, Jimmy Martin, Cody Carlson, Phil Mangan, Adam Pineault, Vinny Scarsella, Danick Paquette, T.J. Battani, Michael Pelech, Kris Hogg, D.J. Jelitto, David Vallorani, Mathieu Aubin, Rylan Galiardi, Brent Gwidt, Jamie MacQueen, Colin Vock, Jordan Clendenning

Recognize anyone
cMan2KellyCup Posted - 06/06/2014 : 2:56:04 PM
Originally posted by dbc

Shows me they are on top of things. If they pass out the schedule after the last game to those in attendance, simply say "No, thanks.

Clarification on my earlier comment: just not while the finals are underway... ill take a schedule after the last game, but it will be a very long time before I read it... if we win the Kelly Cup Monday night, ill be more interested in getting drunk at the nearest team party, and I would just read the schedule the next day or so...

Then again if Alaska wins the cup, it is THEN that I would read a new schedule...

made no sense again.... damn! lol
cMan2KellyCup Posted - 06/06/2014 : 2:53:54 PM
bags, I agree... looks like same divisions and then the league just basically made the schedule by drawing Popsicle sticks... its always been my belief that divisional play should be equal in minor league sports if its just that.... more road than home against Indy? more home than road against Evansville? more games against both than Toledo, Fort Wayne and Kalamazoo nearly combined? the league drew lots. They had to have had... this isnt really sensible
bags Posted - 06/05/2014 : 12:06:50 PM
Utah playing just one game here-ECHL needs to have road trips
at least two games. Same for just one road games at Gwinett and
Florida for us. I'm sure Utah is playing additional area teams on
that trip but even for us to go to Kalamazoo should be two games.
dbc Posted - 06/05/2014 : 10:00:54 AM
Welcome to minor league hockey. Here is the home and away schedule by opponent for next year. Anyone make any sense of this ?? Home games given first.

Kalamazoo 5-4-9
Indy 3-6-9
Wheeling 2-2-4
Orlando 3-3-6
Fort Wayne 4-3-7
Evansville 8-3-11
Utah 1-0-1
Greenville 1-3-4
Elmira 3-3-6
Reading 3-0-3
Toledo 2-5-7
SC 1-2-3
Gwinett 0-1-1
Florida 0-1-1

Total 36-36-72
dbc Posted - 06/05/2014 : 09:19:16 AM
Shows me they are on top of things. If they pass out the schedule after the last game to those in attendance, simply say "No, thanks.
cMan2KellyCup Posted - 06/04/2014 : 3:17:39 PM
Also, when we win a cup I dont want to walk out with a new schedule.... its like saying "you won the cup, now stop celebrating and get ready for the next season." I would rather continuing celebrating at that point...

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