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 End of the road for Las Vegas

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bags Posted - 01/30/2015 : 10:14:59 PM

LAS VEGAS (KSNV – The Las Vegas Wranglers have called it a day.

Team owner Gary Jacobs announced on Facebook today that he informed ECHL Commissioner Brian McKenna that the franchise was “voluntary withdrawing” its membership in the league.

The Wranglers suspended operations for the 2014-15 season when they could not find an arena. Boyd Gaming did not renew the team’s lease with the Orleans Arena, and an attempt to build a facility at The Plaza fell through.

“I want to thank you, our fans, sponsors, media, staff, players and coaches for the support you have displayed for the Las Vegas Wranglers,” Jacobs said in the statement. “I enjoyed getting to know many of you. You were certainly a loud crowd voicing your backing for the team, win or lose.

“As you know we have been searching for a new home for the Las Vegas Wranglers for the past year. Unfortunately despite a great amount of effort led by Billy Johnson we were unable to secure a new facility.”

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