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 Hockey in Vegas ?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
bags Posted - 08/23/2015 : 08:23:38 AM

With MGM building a new arena mainly to try drawing an NBA or NHL
team, Las Vegas is now in the final two in the expansion search.
Looking at the NHL, "East" has 16 teams and "West" has 14, so two teams
entering would even the divisions up.
Another reason for bringing this up is if USB spends all the money and
upgrades the arena like they talk, be ready for the same thing as MGM.
ECHL hockey is not going to be enough to pay the bills and satisfy the
"egos" of the landlords. Watch for action to upgrade the tenant with
NBA, NHL or at least an upgrade to the AHL. I know you will say AHL
can't happen but don't forget- Gardens got an AHL team the next year
after the Cyclones left. Money can make anything possible.

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