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 World Cup 2014 Predictions

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
cMan2KellyCup Posted - 06/12/2014 : 10:20:37 AM
Two part question:

1. Does anyone give a **** about the World Cup?
2. If you do, who do you think is going to win

You dont have to answer #1 because ill know the answer is yes if you answer #2
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
cMan2KellyCup Posted - 06/18/2014 : 04:13:05 AM
HA HA HA HA... good point :D
new_cyclones_fan Posted - 06/16/2014 : 1:11:48 PM
1. I give a **** in as much as I pray to God I don't have to hear about it
2. Nobody is going to win. We will all lose having any TV or radio airtime dedicated to the mind numbing tedium.

Gimme close-up slow motion footage of the ice freezing at USBA any day.

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