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 Something weird... I have to mention...
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Posted - 05/22/2010 :  11:58:12 PM  Show Profile  Visit jevers's Homepage
Now that the season is over, and the Cyclones have won the Kelly Cup, I can now tell everyone about something "weird" that I experienced these last couple weeks.

It all started the morning after the Cyclones lost to Reading, Game 3, which put the Cyclones down 0-3 in the series. On that morning after our loss, my sister sent me a text saying that my 3 year-old (soon to be 4) nephew had just woke up and said he had a dream that... "the Cyclones won, and I was there" There wasn't any more details then that. At first, I just kind of dismissed it. He's been to a couple Cyclones games, and seems to really enjoy them. So I'm thinking he's just recalling fun times at a Cyclones game.

So... Game 4 and 5 play out and the Cyclones pull off a couple wins. Then comes Games 6 and 7.. MORE WINS!!! Now I'm thinking.. Wow! That's kinda weird that my nephew "saw the future". Being superstitious like most Hockey Fans.. I think I need to keep this quiet so as not to "jinx" anything. Maybe it will continue to hold true?

Now, we move onto the Kelly Cup Finals... Cyclones win Games 1 and 2. Ok, so far so good... the prediction thing is holding true.

Unfortunately, Game 3, falls to the Steelheads. Man, I guess what my newphew dreamt was the 0-3 comeback series verses Reading. Oh well...

Wednesday morning (morning after Game 3 loss), I again get a text from my sister that my nephew had ANOTHER dream, again "the Cyclones won, and I was there"! Sure enough, the Cyclones pull off two more wins, and WIN THE KELLY CUP!!!!


I'm gonna have to ask my nephew if he's had any dreams about lottery numbers!

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