Hi Everyone, Happy summer. I was sorry to read that the Cyclones will be no more. I am thrilled I got to meet you all and loved every minute of it all. As you all know my husband fell and broke his leg after the last game...well he died on May 10th from complications of an infection that resulted from that fall. It has been a tough time for all. I gave Mary Freese more details. My email has changed to: marykayebli@yahoo.com My home address is: Mary Kay Ebli 3935 San Roberto Avenue #4 Anchorage, AK 99508-2854
I hope all of you are well. Have a wonderful summer.
Sorry to hear that - our prayers are with you and your family.
Many of us will be traveling to support former Cyclones on other teams, so don't be surprised if someone in Red, Black and Gold walks into Sullivan Arena yelling "GO PROS!"