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(Been Here Awhile)

584 Posts

Posted - 05/23/2010 :  11:35:59 PM  Show Profile
After attending the rally today, my Wife, and our 2 and 4 year old Daughters took refuge under a shade tree on Fountain Square, darn it was hot in our jerseys! My wife looked over to the street to see the cars the team was to ride back in and my Wife asks me if that is the Cup. I started off toward the street with my 2 year old on my shoulders to confirm her sighting of Kelly's cup. What I didn't hear my Wife say was, "yes it is, I'm going to take a picture" having already gotten to the street and stood for a few minutes I started looking for my Wife, I started thinking where did "THEY" go? only to see my Wife walking back ALONE to said shade tree!!!!!!!! So I did a quick head count and was 1 child short, well needless to say there was quite alot of folks still there and a 40 inch 4 year old alone, Terror struck in and suddenly what was once celebration and shock that I just bought Van Guilder's jersey for a 5 spot and in 3 seconds we went from joy, to embarassment then to anger for allowing this to happen and then terror.

The reason why I am even posting this is because just seconds before we found our Daughter it seemed like the crowd parted and there was Our Daughter standing on a step at Fountain Square, Downtown Cincnnati with 2 women who had set up a protective perimeter around our Daughter. Thankfully Our daughter is a cool customer, not crying just standing there. If anyone of you know the two women who tell of a similar story, would you please give them a heartfelt Thank You.....Hopefully no one from CPS watches the Clones. Until next season...scuba

(Been Here Awhile)

597 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2010 :  12:07:39 PM  Show Profile  Visit cloneinator's Homepage
Well, I wouldn't be to hard on yourself. Any of us who are parents know how fast this can happen, especially in a venue where people are literally shoulder to shoulder. Most of us have had something similar happen at some point, and in turn know the sick feeling that's in the pit of your stomach.

We had to leave early because my daughter has chronic asthma and got very sick between the crowd and the heat. I should have recognized the signs before I did, but also got to caught up in things.

It's not the parents this happens to that should be criticized, but the ones it happens to that don't care.

...And on the eighth day, GOD created the Cyclones!
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(Been Here Awhile)

584 Posts

Posted - 05/24/2010 :  2:25:05 PM  Show Profile
Cloneinator, there was a moment of absolute horror, likes that I have never felt could believe if one is spiritual the feeling might be hell like.

Cloneinator, you know at my work, I have never ever felt that scared or stressed in my life, even in my days of working in a trauma center had I felt that way. Of course had my daughter been alittle older she would have realized that she could have had just about anything she wanted yesterday night seeing that both her parents felt totally inadequate, but I suppose in a normal work day you and I see far worse.
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